Sunday, March 21, 2010


Is 9 am in now with 90++ call queues waiting patiently(not all of them) for agent to attain them. Fortunately, I am in CANTON ONLY. Meaning, no calls. Or else, how am I suppose to blog while working? The couple dumped me, resulting me in being alone for the next 9 hours take or give.
The weather is pretty gloomy today, caused everyone feel sleepy. I managed to grab a pillow with me, haha, I can sleep whenever I want.

Only 10 agents working today more or less. Please. Don't be so stingy in recruiting new agents. We are thirsting for more. How people going to manage 100 call queues by 10 agents? Besides, everyone is absenting miserably on Sunday. Anyway, tommorow having Undang Test again. Stupid. I effing hate it. I got 39. Just because of 3 questions I have to pay 50 bloody bucks to retake the bloody test. Who set the passing scheme at 42? Did you study math? half of 50 is 25.

50/2= 25.


I have to read again by doing 500 questions. STUPID, REDUNDANT. Not wasting time, I have to revise now. Damn it.

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